Poesie in lingua straniera

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
There came a Wind like a Bugle -
It quivered through the Grass
And a Green Chill upon the Heat
So ominous did pass
We barred the Windows and the Doors
As from an Emerald Ghost -
The Doom's electric Moccasin
That very instant passed -
On a strange Mob of panting Trees
And Fences fled away
And Rivers where the Houses ran
Those looked that lived - that Day -
The Bell within the steeple wild
The flying tidings told -
How much can come
And much can go,
And yet abide the World!
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    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
    He ate and drank the precious Words -
    His Spirit grew robust -
    He knew no more that he was poor,
    Nor that his frame was Dust -
    He danced along the dingy Days
    And this Bequest of Wings
    Was but a Book - What Liberty
    A loosened Spirit brings.
    Mangiò e bevve le preziose Parole -
    Il suo Spirito crebbe robusto -
    Non era più consapevole d'essere povero,
    Né che le sue ossa fossero Polvere -
    Danzava lungo gli squallidi Giorni
    E questo Lascito d'Ali
    Era soltanto un Libro - Che Libertà
    Procura uno Spirito affrancato -
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
      The Bird her punctual music brings
      And lays it in it's place -
      It's place is in the Human Heart
      And in the Heavenly Grace -
      What respite from her thrilling toil
      Did Beauty ever take -
      But Work might be Electric Rest
      To those that Magic make.
      L'Uccello porta la sua puntuale musica
      E la mette al suo posto -
      Il suo posto è nel Cuore Umano
      E nella Grazia Celeste -
      A sollievo dalla sua eccitante fatica
      Ebbe sempre la Bellezza -
      Ma il Lavoro può essere Elettrico Riposo
      Per quelli che creano Magia.
      Vota la poesia: Commenta
        Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
        in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
        Expanse cannot be lost -
        Not Joy, but a Decree
        Is Deity -
        His Scene, Infinity -
        Whose rumor's Gate was shut so tight
        Before my Beam was sown,
        Not even a Prognostic's push
        Could make a Dent thereon -
        The World that thou hast opened
        Shuts for thee,
        But not alone,
        We all have followed thee -
        Escape more slowly
        To thy Tracts of Sheen -
        The Tent is listening,
        But the Troops are gone!
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