Poesie di Emily Dickinson

Poetessa, nato venerdì 10 dicembre 1830 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America), morto sabato 15 maggio 1886 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America)
Questo autore lo trovi anche in Frasi & Aforismi e in Proverbi.

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
He put the Belt around my life -
I heard the Buckle snap -
And turned away, imperial,
My Lifetime folding up -
Deliberate, as a Duke would do
A Kingdom's Title Deed -
Henceforth, a Dedicated sort -
A Member of the Cloud.
Yet not too far to come at call -
And do the little Toils
That make the Circuit of the Rest -
And deal occasional smiles
To lives that stoop to notice mine -
And kindly ask it in -
Whose invitation, know you not
For Whom I must decline?
Emily Dickinson
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    A solemn thing - it was - I said -
    A woman - white - to be -
    And wear - if God should count me fit -
    Her blameless mystery -
    A hallowed thing - to drop a life
    Into the purple well -
    Too plummetless - that it return -
    Eternity - until -

    I pondered how the bliss would look -
    And would it feel as big -
    When I could take it in my hand -
    As glimmering - seen - through fog -

    And then - the size of this "small" life -
    The Sages - call it small -
    Swelled - like Horizons - in my vest -
    And I sneered - softly - "small"!
    Emily Dickinson
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      One Life of so much Consequence!
      Yet I - for it - would pay -
      My Soul's entire income -
      In ceaseless - salary -
      One Pearl - to me - so signal -
      That I would instant dive -
      Although - I knew - to take it -
      Would cost me - just a life!

      The Sea is full - I know it!
      That - does not blur my Gem!
      It burns - distinct from all the row -
      Intact - in Diadem!

      The life is thick - I know it!
      Yet - not so dense a crowd -
      But Monarchs - are perceptible -
      Far down the dustiest Road!
      Emily Dickinson
      Vota la poesia: Commenta