Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
I had no Cause to be awake -
My Best - was gone to sleep -
And Morn a new politeness took -
And failed to wake them up -
But called the others - clear -
And passed their Curtains by -
Sweet Morning - When I oversleep -
Knock - Recollect - to Me -

I looked at Sunrise - Once -
And then I looked at Them -
And wishfulness in me arose -
For Circumstance the same -

'Twas such an Ample Peace -
It could not hold a Sigh -
'Twas Sabbath - with the Bells divorced -
'Twas Sunset - all the Day -

So choosing but a Gown -
And taking but a Prayer -
The only Raiment I should need -
I struggled - and was There.

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    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz


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