Poesie di Emily Dickinson

Poetessa, nato venerdì 10 dicembre 1830 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America), morto sabato 15 maggio 1886 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America)
Questo autore lo trovi anche in Frasi & Aforismi e in Proverbi.

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
She sights a Bird - she chuckles -
She flattens - then she crawls -
She runs without the look of feet -
Her eyes increase to Balls -
Her Mouth stirs - longing - hungry -
Her Teeth can hardly stand -
She leaps, but Robin leaped the first -
Ah, Pussy, of the Sand,

The Hopes so juicy ripening -
You almost bathed your Tongue -
When Bliss disclosed a hundred Wings -
And fled with every one.
Emily Dickinson
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    He touched me, so I live to know
    That such a day, Accepted so -
    I dwelt - upon his breast -
    It was a boundless place to me
    And silenced, as the awful Sea
    Puts minor streams to rest.

    And now, I'm different from before,
    As if I breathed superior air -
    Or brushed a Royal Gown -
    My feet, too, that had wandered so -
    My Gypsy face - transfigured now -
    To tenderer Renown -

    Into this Port, if I might come,
    Rebecca, to Jerusalem,
    Would not so ravished turn -
    Nor Persian, baffled at her shrine
    Lift such a Crucifixal sign
    To her imperial Sun.
    Emily Dickinson
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      He touched me, so I live to know
      That such a day, Accepted so -
      I dwelt - upon his breast -
      It was a boundless place to me
      And silenced, as the awful Sea
      Puts minor streams to rest.

      And now, I'm different from before,
      As if I breathed superior air -
      Or brushed a Royal Gown -
      My feet, too, that had wandered so -
      My Gypsy face - transfigured now -
      To tenderer Renown -

      Into this Port, if I might come.
      Emily Dickinson
      Vota la poesia: Commenta
        Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
        Would not paint - a picture -
        I'd rather be the One
        It's bright impossibility
        To dwell - delicious - on -
        And wonder how the fingers feel
        Whose rare - celestial - stir -
        Evokes so sweet a Torment -
        Such sumptuous - Despair -
        I would not talk, like Cornets -
        I'd rather be the One
        Raised softly to Horizons -
        And out, and easy on -
        Through Villages of Ether -
        Myself upborne Balloon
        By but a lip of Metal -
        The pier to my Pontoon -

        Nor would I be a Poet -
        It's finer - own the Ear -
        Enamored - impotent - content -
        The License to revere,
        A privilege so awful
        What would the Dower be,
        Had I the Art to stun myself
        With Bolts - of Melody.
        Emily Dickinson
        Vota la poesia: Commenta
          Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
          Within my Garden, rides a Bird
          Upon a single Wheel -
          Whose spokes a dizzy Music make
          As 'twere a travelling Mill -
          He never stops, but slackens
          Above the Ripest Rose -
          Partakes without alighting
          And praises as he goes,

          Till every spice is tasted -
          And then his Fairy Gig
          Reels in remoter atmospheres -
          And I rejoin my Dog,

          And He and I, perplex us
          If positive, 'twere we -
          Or bore the Garden in the Brain
          This Curiosity -

          But He, the best Logician,
          Refers my clumsy eye -
          To just vibrating Blossoms!
          An Exquisite Reply!
          Emily Dickinson
          Vota la poesia: Commenta
            Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
            Those fair - fictitious People -
            The Women - plucked away
            From our familiar Lifetime -
            The Men of Ivory -
            Those Boys and Girls, in Canvas -
            Who stay upon the Wall
            In Everlasting Keepsake -
            Can Anybody tell?

            We trust - in places perfecter -
            Inheriting Delight
            Beyond our faint Conjecture -
            Our dizzy Estimate -

            Remembering ourselves, we trust -
            Yet Blesseder - than We -
            Through Knowing - where We only hope -
            Receiving - where we - pray -

            Of Expectation - also -
            Anticipating us
            With transport, that would be a pain
            Except for Holiness -

            Esteeming us - as Exile -
            Themself - admitted Home -
            Through gentle Miracle of Death -
            The Way ourself, must come.
            Emily Dickinson
            Vota la poesia: Commenta
              Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
              I envy Seas, whereon He rides -
              I envy Spokes of Wheels
              Of Chariots, that Him convey -
              I envy Crooked Hills
              That gaze upon His journey -
              How easy all can see
              What is forbidden utterly
              As Eden - unto me!

              I envy Nests of Sparrows -
              That dot His distant Eaves -
              The wealthy Fly, upon His Pane -
              The happy - happy Leaves -

              That just abroad His Window
              Have Summer's leave to play -
              The Ear Rings of Pizarro
              Could not obtain for me -

              I envy Light - that wakes Him -
              And Bells - that boldly ring
              To tell Him it is Noon, abroad -
              Myself - be Noon to Him -

              Yet interdict - my Blossom -
              And abrogate - my Bee -
              Lest Noon in Everlasting Night -
              Drop Gabriel - and Me.
              Emily Dickinson
              Vota la poesia: Commenta
                Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
                He strained my faith -
                Did he find it supple?
                Shook my strong trust -
                Did it then - yield?
                Hurled my belief -
                But - did he shatter - it?
                Racked - with suspense -
                Not a nerve failed!

                Wrung me - with Anguish -
                But I never doubted him -
                [Or - Must be - I deserved - it -]
                Thò for what wrong
                He did never say -

                Stabbed - while I sued
                His sweet forgiveness -
                Jesus - it's your little "John"!
                Don't you know - me?
                [Why - Slay - Me?]
                Emily Dickinson
                Vota la poesia: Commenta
                  Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
                  As far from pity, as complaint -
                  As cool to speech - as stone -
                  As numb to Revelation
                  As if my Trade were Bone -
                  As far from Time - as History -
                  As near yourself - Today -
                  As Children, to the Rainbow's scarf -
                  Or Sunset's Yellow play

                  To eyelids in the Sepulchre -
                  How dumb the Dancer lies -
                  While Color's Revelations break -
                  And blaze - the Butterflies!
                  Emily Dickinson
                  Vota la poesia: Commenta