Scritta da: Donato Curtotti

The writer's wiew

I'm not seen as it yet, so
I can't say it, but though
Yoù re more special that the world
population so... Yes! I am.

I write, don't you?
doesn't everyone?
As you used to try but you're not good at it.

I think, I knew what you meant
but I even know that you can,
look at me
I can't speak
I'm from above
in a region where words
are different by nouns

but I try harder everyday
and I wish that I may
a day, being seen as I say
as the writer of the books in wich my poems stays.
Composta mercoledì 27 maggio 2015

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    Scritta da: Donato Curtotti
    Dedicato a chi sogna.


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