Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
He parts Himself - like Leaves -
And then - He closes up -
And then He leans with all His Might
Upon a Buttercup -
And then He runs against
And oversets a Rose -
And then does Nothing -
Then away upon a Jib - He goes -

And dangles like a Mote
Suspended in the Noon -
Uncertain - to return Below -
Or settle in the Moon -

What come of Him - at Night -
The privilege to say
Be limited by Ignorance -
What come of Him - That Day -

The Frost - possess the World -
In Cabinets - be shown -
A Sepulchre of quaintest Floss -
An Abbey - a Cocoon.

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    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz


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