Poesie di Emily Dickinson

Poetessa, nato venerdì 10 dicembre 1830 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America), morto sabato 15 maggio 1886 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America)
Questo autore lo trovi anche in Frasi & Aforismi e in Proverbi.

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
A Tongue - to tell Him I am true!
It's fee - to be of Gold -
Had Nature - in Her monstrous House
A single Ragged Child -
To earn a Mine - would run
That Interdicted Way,
And tell Him - Charge thee speak it plain -
That so far - Truth is True?

And answer What I do -
Beginning with the Day
That Night - begun -
Nay - Midnight - 'twas -
Since Midnight - happened - say -

If once more - Pardon - Boy -
The Magnitude thou may
Enlarge my Message - If too vast
Another Lad - help thee -

Thy Pay - in Diamonds - be -
And His - in solid Gold -
Say Rubies - if He hesitate -
My Message - must be told -

Say - last I said - was This -
That when the Hills - come down -
And hold no higher than the Plain -
My Bond - have just begun -

And when the Heavens - disband -
And Deity conclude -
Then - look for me. Be sure you say -
Least Figure - on the Road.
Emily Dickinson
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    A House upon the Hight -
    That Wagon never reached -
    No Dead, were ever carried down -
    No Peddler's Cart - approached -
    Whose Chimney never smoked -
    Whose Windows - Night and Morn -
    Caught Sunrise first - and Sunset - last -
    Then - held an Empty Pane -

    Whose fate - Conjecture knew -
    No other neighbor - did -
    And what it was - we never lisped -
    Because He - never told.
    Emily Dickinson
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      I had not minded - Walls -
      Were Universe - one Rock -
      And far I heard his silver Call
      The other side the Block -
      I'd tunnel - till my Groove
      Pushed sudden thro' to his -
      Then my face take her Recompense -
      The looking in his Eyes -

      But 'tis a single Hair -
      A filament - a law -
      A Cobweb - wove in Adamant -
      A Battlement - of Straw -

      A limit like the Vail
      Unto the Lady's face -
      But every Mesh - a Citadel -
      And Dragons - in the Crease.
      Emily Dickinson
      Vota la poesia: Commenta
        Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
        There is a Languor of the Life
        More imminent than Pain -
        'Tis Pain's Successor - When the Soul
        Has suffered all it can -
        A Drowsiness - diffuses -
        A Dimness like a Fog
        Envelops Consciousness -
        As Mists - obliterate a Crag.

        The Surgeon - does not blanch - at pain
        His Habit - is severe -
        But tell him that it ceased to feel -
        The Creature lying there -

        And he will tell you - skill is late -
        A Mightier than He -
        Has ministered before Him -
        There's no Vitality.
        Emily Dickinson
        Vota la poesia: Commenta
          Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
          Did Our Best Moment last -
          'Twould supersede the Heaven -
          A few - and they by Risk - procure -
          So this Sort - are not given -
          Except as stimulants - in
          Cases of Despair -
          Or Stupor - The Reserve -
          These Heavenly Moments are -

          A Grant of the Divine -
          That Certain as it Comes -
          Withdraws - and leaves the dazzled Soul
          In her unfurnished Rooms.
          Emily Dickinson
          Vota la poesia: Commenta