Scritta da: Jean-Paul Malfatti
Murphy's Law of Smugness: Trump First! As to America and the rest of the world, not even God knows when.

Legge di Murphy sull'alterigia: Trump per prima! Circa l'America e il resto del mondo, nemmeno Dio sa quando lo sarà.
Composta venerdì 3 febbraio 2017

Immagini con frasi


    Scritta da: Jean-Paul Malfatti


    postato da , il
    Trump, willingly or not, did nothing else than to transform his sheeple into the most obnoxious and uncivilized creatures of the planet.

    Trump, volenti o nolenti, non ha fatto nient'altro che trasformare il suo gregge di pecore nelle creature più odiose e incivili del pianeta.

    Jean-Paul Malfatti, Italian-American fledgling poet and newborn writer.
    postato da , il
    🇺🇸 Trump is so malignant a tumor that there is no chemotherapy or radiotherapy that can actually work against its growth and spread.

    🇮🇹 Trump è un tumore così maligno che non esiste chemioterapia o radioterapia che possa effettivamente agire contro la sua crescita e diffusione.

    Jean-Paul Malfatti, Italian-American fledgling poet and newborn writer.
    postato da , il
    Former President Donald Trump's nuts make even the devil fall to the floor in laughter!

    Le pazze dell'ex Presidente Donald Trump fanno anche il diavolo ridere a più non posso!

    Jean-Paul Malfatti, Italian-American fledgling poet and newborn writer.
    postato da , il
    Mr. Trump, the USA are not America. They are in North America. Canada is not America, but It is also in North America. Mexico is not America either, but it is in North America too. Furthmore, he who is born in Canada is Canadian and he who is born in Mexico is Mexican. What about he who is born in The United States of America? American? Just American? If so, every Canadian can also be simply called "American" and, therefore, every Mexican also has the right to be simply called "American". One cannot forget that the title of the American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin is "God Bless America" and not "God Bless the USA", and, by some irony of fate, he was born in Imperial Russia, not in the United States. 

    Jean-Paul Malfatti

    "Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome".

    Rosa Parks

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